- NLP4LIFE: https://github.com/sarahESL/CLEFeHealth2020-multilabel-bert
- Exeter: https://github.com/aollagnier/eda_classification
- SWAP: https://github.com/marcopoli/CODIESP-10
- IAM: https://github.com/scossin/IAMsystem
- ICB-UMA: https://github.com/guilopgar/CLEF-2020-CodiEsp
- Hulat: https://github.com/pqueipo/Codiesp-CLEF-2020-eHealth-Task1
- IMS: https://github.com/gmdn/CLEF2020
- Baseline: https://github.com/tonifuc3m/codiesp-baseline-lookup
CLEF 2020

CodiEsp is included in the 2020 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, eHealth track, this year, an online-only event.
Registration closes On September, 19th https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/clef-2020-conference-and-labs-of-the-evaluation-forum-tickets-116107862743
CodiEsp videos available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5uSCzf1azhA0crlSVCYMPqMUWd4mXc4x
CLEF eHealth Schedule
Day 1: Wednesday 23rd September – Presentation
Local Time (Amsterdam) | Title | Presenter | Affiliation | More info |
09:00-09:10 | Welcome and Introduction | Liadh Kelly | TBC | |
09:10-09:25 | Task 1 Overview: CodiEsp | Antonio Miranda-Escalada | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | TBC |
09:25-09:40 | Task 2 Overview | Lorraine Goeuriot, Zhengyang Liu, Chenchen Xu | TBC | |
09:40-10:25 | Task 1 participant presentations | |||
FLE at CLEF eHealth 2020: Text Mining and Semantic Knowledge for Automated Clinical Encoding | Nuria García-Santa | Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe (FLE), Spain | TBC | |
IAM at CLEF eHealth 2020: concept annotation in Spanish electronic health records | Sebastien Cossin | Univ. Bordeaux, France | TBC | |
ICD-10 coding based on semantic distance: LSI_UNED at CLEF eHealth 2020 Task 1 | Mario Almagro | National University of Distance Education (UNED), Spain | TBC |
Day 2: Thursday 24th September – CodiEsp session
Local Time (Amsterdam) | Title | Presenter | Affiliation | More info |
9:00-09:15 | Introduction and recap from CodiEsp Overview | Antonio Miranda-Escalada | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | TBC |
09:15-10:20 | Task 1 participant presentations | |||
ICB-UMA at CLEF e-Health 2020 Task 1: Automatic ICD-10 coding in Spanish with BERT | Guillermo López-García | Universidad de Málaga, Spain | video | |
A study of Machine Learning models for Clinical Coding of Medical Reports at CodiEsp 2020 | Marco Polignano | University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. | TBC | |
Using the R Tidyverse for Multilingual Information Extraction. IMS UniPD ad CLEF eHealth 2020 Task 1 | Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio | University of Padua, Italy | video | |
IXA-AAA at CLEF eHealth 2020 CodiEsp Automatic classification of medical records with Multi-label Classifiers and Similarity Match Coders | Alberto Blanco | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | TBC | |
Text Augmentation Techniques for Clinical Case Classification | Anais Ollagnier | University of Exeter, UK | video | |
Convolutional Attention Models with Post-Processing Heuristics at CLEF eHealth 2020 | Elias Moons | KU Leuven, Belgium | TBC | |
Fraunhofer AICOS at CLEF eHealth 2020 Task 1: Clinical Code Extraction From Textual Data Using Fine-Tuned BERT Models | João Costa | Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Portugal | video | |
Multilingual ICD-10 Code Assignment with Transformer Architectures using MIMIC-III Discharge Summaries | Henning Schäfer | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany | TBC | |
10:20-10:30 | Closing remarks and wrapup | Antonio Miranda-Escalada | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | TBC |
Day 3: Friday 25th September – Consumer Health Search
Local Time (Amsterdam) | Title | Presenter | Affiliation | More info |
09:00-09:40 | TBC | Marco Viviani | TBC | |
09:40-10:10 | Task 2 participant presentations | |||
SandiDoc at CLEF 2020 - Consumer Health Search : AdHoc IR Task | Sandaru Seneviratne | TBC | ||
A Study on Reciprocal Ranking Fusion in Consumer Health Search | Giorgio Di Nunzio | TBC | ||
10:10-10:30 | Discussion and wrapup | Lorraine Goeuriot | TBC |
Participants’ working notes will be published in the CEUR-WS proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org/). Task overview paper will also be published in the CEUR-WS proceedings.
@InProceedings{CLEFeHealth2020Task1Overview, author={Antonio Miranda-Escalada and Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre and Jordi Armengol-Estapé and Martin Krallinger}, title="Overview of automatic clinical coding: annotations, guidelines, and solutions for non-English clinical cases at CodiEsp track of {CLEF eHealth} 2020", booktitle = {{Working Notes of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation (CLEF) Forum}}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, year = {2020}, }
Since CodiEsp is part of CLEF eHealth lab, lab overview paper will be published in the Springer LNCS proceedings.
@InProceedings{CLEFeHealth2020LabOverview, author={Lorraine Goeuriot and Hanna Suominen and Liadh Kelly and Antonio Miranda-Escalada and Martin Krallinger and Zhengyang Liu and Gabriella Pasi and Gabriela {Saez Gonzales} and Marco Viviani and Chenchen Xu}, title="Overview of the {CLEF eHealth} Evaluation Lab 2020}, booktitle = {{Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2020) }}, series = {LNCS Volume number: 12260}, year = {2020}, editor = {Avi Arampatzis and Evangelos Kanoulas and Theodora Tsikrika and Stefanos Vrochidis and Hideo Joho and Christina Lioma and Carsten Eickhoff and Aurélie Névéol and Linda Cappellato andNicola Ferro}, }
First Multilingual clinical NLP workshop: MUCLIN (MIE2020/EFMI)

There is an increasing interest in exploiting clinical texts by means of language technologies and text mining approaches. Structured clinical information, in the form of codified clinical records relying on controlled vocabularies such as ICD10 is a key resource for statistical analysis techniques applied to patient data.
Clinical natural language processing (NLP) and AI-based document indexing can result in tools for automatic clinical coding by exploiting directly the unstructured content of EHRs. Such tools are playing an increasing role to generate results that do complement health informatics approaches focusing on translational medicine challenges, by providing relevant diagnostic information extracted from clinical narratives. This implies that text mining generated clinical coding results can provide a rich clinical context for patient health information necessary for other data analysis processes like bioinformatics and OMICS data exploration.
The workshop will include a panel discussion and short flash talks with experts on the role of shared tasks to promote clinical and biomedical NLP.
Some of the proposed topics for the discussion are: generation of shareable data collections for clinical NLP and automatic coding systems, use of AI and deep learning methods applied to clinical text mining, exploitation of unstructured content of EHRs for translational medicine, explainable IA strategies, evaluation metrics and scenarios for automatic clinical coding systems, multilingual clinical coding strategies and shared tasks.
CodiEsp setting and results were presented at the workshop First Multilingual clinical NLP workshop (MUCLIN) at MIE2020. The original MIE programme can be accessed here. This year, MIE was virtual thanks to the collaboration of EFMI and took place on July 4th, 2020.
This workshop had two parts:
First, there had been a general overview presentation on shared tasks and the results and setting of a particular shared task, i.e. CodiEsp.
Then, there had been a panel discussion including flash talks by experts on the role of the shared tasks to promote clinical NLP, resources, tools, evaluation methods.
The talks are available in the MUCLIN youtube playlist.
Local Time (GMT+2) | Title | Presenter | Affiliation | More info |
1:00 pm | Opening Remarks | Martin Krallinger | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Video |
1:05 pm | CodiEsp: clinical coding shared task in Spanish clinical case reports | Antonio Miranda | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Video |
1:20 pm | Panel Session: flash talks | |||
Flash talk 1 | FLE at CLEF eHealth 2020: Text Mining and Semantic Knowledge for Automated Clinical Encoding | Nuria García-Santa | Fujistsu | Video |
Flash talk 2 | Contribution of CLEF eHealth and WMT biomedical translation task to multilingual clinical NLP | Aurélie Névéol | CNRS, France | Video |
Flash talk 3 | The importance of shared tasks for biomedical text mining | Fabio Rinaldi | University of Zurich | Video |
Flash talk 4 | Multilingual Text Mining | Francisco Couto | University of Lisbon | Video |
Flash talk 5 | Lessons learnt on benchmarking at ELIXIR | Salvador Capella-Gutierrez | INB/Elixir, Barcelona Supercomputing Center | TBA |
1:55 | Closing remarks | Martin Krallinger | Barcelona Supercomputing Center |
See EFMI program.