Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019)

Overview Paper

Participants Papers

MEDDOCAN Publications

All teams sending a test set prediction submission will be invited to send a workshop proceedings paper on their system (systems description paper), similarly to previous IberEval events. It is not mandatory to assist to the workshop, but we encourage very much attendance. You can send both submissions and the workshop proceedings paper without attending the workshop.

We will invite MEDDOCAN participants to give a short flash presentation of their system at the workshop. Additionally, top scoring teams will have the opportunity to give a longer presentation at the workshop.

We plan to invite selected works for full publication in a Q1 Journal – Special Issue devoted to MEDDOCAN. Invitation to the special issue will consider multiple aspects such as performance, novelty of the system, availability of the underlying system (software/web-service) as well as the workshop presentation.