Evaluation process: (1) you submit your results, (2) we perform the evaluation off-line and (3) return the final scores.
Submission format
LivingNER – Species NER track. A TSV file with one row per mention, headers and the following columns:
- filename
- mark
- label (mention label)
- off0 (starting character offset)
- off1 (ending character offset)
- span (mention span)
LivingNER – Species Norm track. A TSV file with one row per mention, headers and the following columns:
- filename
- mark
- label (mention label)
- off0 (starting character offset)
- off1 (ending character offset)
- span (mention span)
- NCBITax (mention code in NCBITaxonomy)
LivingNER – Clinical IMPACT track. A TSV file with one row per document, headers and the following columns:
- filename
- isPet (Yes/No)
- PetIDs (NCBITaxonomy codes of pet & farm animals present in document)
- isAnimalInjury (Yes/No)
- AnimalInjuryIDs (NCBITaxonomy codes of animals causing injuries present in document)
- isFood (Yes/No)
- FoodIDs (NCBITaxonomy codes of food mentions present in document)
- isNosocomial (Yes/No)
- NosocomialIDs (NCBITaxonomy codes of nosocomial species mentions present in document)
To evaluate your systems AFTER June 2022, do it in Codalab:
The following sections are kept here for historical reasons. They are not relevant AFTER June 2022
Submission method
Submissions will be made via SFTP.
Submission instructions
5 submissions per sub-track will be allowed.
You must submit ONE SINGLE ZIP file with the following structure:
- One subdirectory per subtask in which you are participating.
- In each subdirectory, you must include the results in a TSV file with the format defined in the “Submission format” section.
- The TSV file must have the .tsv file extension and include ALL your predictions.
- If you have more than one system, you can include their predictions and we will evaluate them (up to 5 prediction runs). Use separate files for each run, with numbers and a recognizable name. For example, 1-systemDL and 2-systemlookup.
- In addition, in the parent directory, you must add a README.txt file with your contact details (team name, affiliation, and authors) and a really short explanation of your system.