SympTEMIST is one of the tasks that are part of BioCreative VIII, which in turn will be held within AMIA 2023 in New Orleans (USA) from November 11th to November 15th.

BioCreative (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology) is a community-wide effort for evaluating text mining and information extraction systems applied to the biological domain. BioCreative has been an invaluable source for advancing state-of-the-art text mining methods since 2004, by providing reference datasets and a collegial environment to develop and evaluate these methods in both shared and interactive models. The BioCreative VIII workshop aims to provide a forum for clinical informatics community members, and traditional biomedical natural language processing researchers, bioinformatics researchers, and data curators to present and discuss advances in text mining for health applications, following on the success of the previous seven BioCreative workshops.
AMIA is the American Medical Informatics Association. Every year they hold an Annual Symposium, the world’s premier meeting for the research and practice of biomedical and health informatics. The meeting gathers the whole AMIA community of students and professionals, plus academic and corporate members, and government and non-profit partners. The theme of AMIA 2023 Annual Symposium is Transforming Healthcare and Biomedicine for a Sustainable Future.