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PharmaCoNER: Pharmacological Substances, compounds and proteins and Named Entity Recognition track as part of BioNLP-OST 2019 Workshop to be collocated with EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, in Hong Kong
The Plan for Promoting Language Technologies (Plan TL) aims to promote the development of natural language processing, machine translation and conversational systems in Spanish and co-official languages. In the framework of this plan, the Ministry of Economy and Business, through the Encargo made by the State Secretariat for Digital Advancement (SEAD) to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center Consortium – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) to promote activities for specialized technical assistance in the area of biomedicine, among others, we announce the call for shared task awards detailed below.
In accordance with the provisions of articles 17.3.b and 20.8.a of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies, Article 6 of Law 9/2017 of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, the special rules applicable to the project competitions for the awarding of prizes established therein and the allocation of budgetary resources established for the financial year 2019 through the financing of the formalized management commission under budget appropriation 20.12.467I.640, we detail below the requirements for the call for shared task awards.
Goal and description of the shared task: As part of the BioNLP-OST 2019 initiative, the OTG de Sanidad of the Plan TL organizes PharmaCoNER: Pharmacological Substances, compounds and proteins and Named Entity Recognition task, the first community challenge task specifically devoted to chemical and drug mention recognition from Spanish medical texts. The PharmaCoNER task will be structured into two sub-tasks:
- NER offset and entity type classification
- Concept Indexing
Registration: To register as a participant, it is requested to
Deadlines for submission: The deadline for submission is June 25, 2019 and the deadline for the resolution of awards is July 1, 2019. For further details, please refer to the Schedule.
Evaluation: The evaluation of the automatic predictions for this task will have two different scenarios or sub-tasks:
- NER offset and entity type classification
- Concept Indexing
For further details, please refer to Evaluation.
Task organizers: This task has been organized by the OTG de Sanidad of the Plan TL in collaboration with the National Center for Oncological Research and the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid. For further details, please refer to Task Organizers.
Scientific committee evaluator: Please refer to Scientific Committee.
Selection of winners: The first three classified in the tasks will be selected as finalists to receive prizes. System evaluations will be performed according to the evaluation criteria described in Evaluation.
Budget: The total budget for this call is 3,400 euros.
The first classified in each of the sub-task will receive a prize of 1,000 euros, the second classified in each of the sub-task will receive a prize of 500 euros and the third classified in each of the sub-task will receive a prize of 200 euros.
Contact: For further details, please refer to Martin Krallinger at encargo-pln-life@bsc.es
Download: The official document of this call can be downloaded from here.
Barcelona, March 18, 2019