MultiCardioNER Task Info

MultiCardioNER challenges participants to create named entity recognition systems for diseases and medications using a general clinical corpus and then adapt to a specific one: cardiology. In addition, the task also explores the creation of multilingual systems in three languages: Spanish, English and Italian.

The task includes two different tracks: (a) Spanish adaptation of disease recognition systems to the cardiology domain and (b) Multilingual (Spanish, English and Italian) adaptation of medication recognition systems to the cardiology domain. Participants are free to create their systems in any way they want, and we actually encourage the use of creative solutions. All systems must be trained using the DisTEMIST and DrugTEMIST corpus (see Data tab), a collection of 1,000 clinical case reports manually annotated by experts. A development and test set of annotated cardiology clinical case reports are also released.

  • If you want to learn why clinical domain adaptation and multilingual systems are relevant, check the Motivation page.
  • For more information and examples about the different subtasks, check the Subtasks page.
  • To keep up with all important dates and the task timing, check the Schedule page.
  • If you want to participate, check the Registration page.
  • If you want to submit your results, check the Submission page.