Submission instructions

5 submissions per sub-track will be allowed.

You must submit ONE SINGLE ZIP file with the following structure:

  • One subdirectory per subtask in which you are participating. 
  • In addition, in the parent directory, you must add a README.txt file with your contact details and a really short explanation of your system.
  • If you have more than one system, you can include their predictions and we will evaluate them (up to 5 prediction runs).
    • You must include the Brat annotation files (.ANN) with your predictions. 
    • One annotation file per document. 
    • If you have more than one system, create sub-directories inside the MEDDOPROF-NER and MEDDOPROF-CLASS directories. One subdirectory per system. 
    • If you have more than one system, name the subdirectories with numbers and a recognizable name. For example, 1-systemDL and 2-systemlookup
    • You must include the tab-separated file with your predictions. 
    • One single file with all the predictions.
    • With a .tsv file extension.  
    • If you have more than one system, include one tab-separated file for each system.
    • If you have more than one system, name the tab-separated files with numbers and a more or less recognizable name. For example, 1-systemDL.tsv and 2-systemlookup.tsv

Download here an example submission ZIP file.

Submission method

Submissions will be made via SFTP.

Download here the submission tutorial.

Submission format


Brat Format: one ANN file per document. ANN files have the following format:

Figure 1. Example of submission file for MEDDOPROF-NER

A tab-separated file with four columns: filename, mention string, span and code.

Figure 2. Example of submission file for MEDDOPROF-NORM