Task overview: task description, evaluation and results.
Task corpus: resources, guidelines and annotations.
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Universidad Nacional de EducaciĆ³n a Distancia (UNED)
All teams sending a test set prediction submission for BARR2 will be invited to send a workshop proceedings paper on their system (systems description paper), as was the case of the previous BARR 2017 track.
It is not mandatory to assist to the workshop, but we encourage very much your attendance. You can send both submissions and the workshop proceedings paper without attending the workshop. We will invite all the BARR2 participants to give a short flash presentation of their system at the workshop. Additionally, top scoring teams will have the opportunity to give a longer presentation at the workshop.
All BARR2 track papers will be part of the official IberEval Proceedings that will be publishing at CEUR-WS.org.
We will use Springer style: Springer Style Template
You also have access to the IberEval 2017 Proceedings to check the format.
The minimum length of a regular paper should be 5 pages.
Each paper will be peer reviewed. The idea for this exercise is to check the following points:
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