SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) gathers electronic publications of complete full text articles from scientific journals of Latin America, South Africa and Spain. Currently is present in 15 countries and supported by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (PAPESP) and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (BIREME). This corpus contains titles and abstracts from 161,710 records in English and Spanish. Users can find the metadata of each record written in Dublin Core format. Languages: - English - Spanish Folders are organized by countries, and journals' ISSN codes. We can find the titles and abstracts in English and Spanish inside these XML files. - '' contains the title in Spanish. - '' contains the title in English. - '' contains the abstract in Spanish. - '' contains the abstract in Spanish. Other XML nodes include the following information: - '': SciELO identifier. - '': ISSN code of the journal . - '': authors of the article. - '': language the article was originally written in. - '': name of the journal the record was published in. - '': URL to read full text in the SciELO website. - '': record's keywords. - '': record type. - '': date of publication (year and month). This corpus is available for free use.